At Catholic Law we emphasize the importance of a supportive and connected community; you are not on your own. One way to immerse yourself in the collegial environment is through the Law School's various mentor programs. Having a mentor gives you the opportunity to learn the skills you need to succeed in law school from experienced students. It also offers you the chance to meet alumni who are seasoned professionals in their fields and who can provide access to networking activities.

As a student, there is no better way to learn how to navigate and succeed in law school than learning from someone who has been in your shoes. The first year students, upper-class students, and alumni who participate in Catholic Law's enriching mentorship programs all have experiences to share with you.

Catholic Law Advantage Mentor Program (Alumni Mentors)

This program connects Catholic Law students with graduates who will act as a source of assistance and counsel throughout their law school experience. Mentors share general or expert knowledge, provide real-world insight into the practice of law, guide students in defining and embracing their role as a future lawyer, and serve as role models in dealing with clients, colleagues, the courts, and the community. First-year students are matched with alumni mentors during the spring of the first year of law school. For more information on becoming a mentee or mentor click here.

Black Law Student Mentoring and Leadership Program

The Program is a comprehensive effort to empower our students at all stages of their legal careers. That starts on the day they are admitted to Catholic Law—when faculty and current students connect with and guide students who wish to discuss their decision to come to our law school. But our commitment does not stop at the doors to the Law School. Throughout their time here, our Black law students may receive one-on-one mentoring and career advice from faculty members, become part of an active and high-achieving community of Black law students, and come to know alumni who provide networking opportunities. To learn more, click here.


Faculty Advisors

Catholic Law faculty are always available to meet and answer questions about study skills, how to prepare for exams, course selection, career planning, and more.

The Cardinal Crew

The Cardinal Crew is a peer mentor program that connects incoming students with upper-class students. Cardinal Crew volunteers participate in Orientation, mentor small groups of incoming students, and hold various events throughout the year. Cardinal Crew members welcome new students to Catholic Law with helpful guidance and encouragement to ensure all students have the best possible experience.

Students interested in becoming a member of the Cardinal Crew should contact Assistant Dean Gemma Forest in room 314 of the law school.

Dean’s Academic Fellows

This program connects academically strong upper-class students with significant teaching and coaching experience and a commitment to supporting the Catholic Law community with first year and upper-class students for academic support. The Dean’s Academic Fellows help students to develop the critical skills to excel in law school, such as acquiring and understanding context, developing critical reading skills, articulating relevant legal rules, and engaging in effective legal analysis. To learn more, click here.

Students interested in becoming a Dean's Academic Fellow should contact Assistant Dean Bryan McDermott in room 343C of the law school.