The Columbus School of Law is an integral part of The Catholic University of America and it supports and advances the goals of the university as a whole. These include a commitment to the ideals of the dignity of each human person; respect for the inviolability of all human life; justice rooted in the common good; the recognition and protection of human rights as gifts of the Creator; care for the poor, the neglected, and the vulnerable; and the obligation of love for one another.

We are a law school that fully embraces the richness of the Catholic intellectual tradition, a tradition that includes respect for the diversity of backgrounds, religious affiliations, viewpoints, and contributions that members bring to the Law School community.

You do not need to be a Catholic, or even religiously observant, to thrive and feel at home within the Columbus School of Law community. For students for whom expression of faith is a central part of self-identify, however, the Law School and the university offer spiritually nourishing resources.    

  • Mass is observed at 12:30 p.m. daily in the law school’s third floor Mary, Mirror of Justice Chapel during the academic year.
  • The call to service on behalf of others can be explored through options such as the Law School’s Law and Social Justice Initiatives and Clinics.
  • A lifelong commitment to the use of the power of the law for social good is encouraged by its pro bono programs.
  • The Saint John Paul II Guild of Catholic Lawyers is a student organization that sponsors speakers, as well as an annual lecture, that explores core concepts of Catholic social thought and teaching.

University Resources

  • Campus Ministry
  • Prayer and Worship
  • Catholic Intellectual Tradition